Mindburst Hickocks is, minus the occasional deviation from form, a repository of ideas I have had but could not find a use for. They are free for you to take and run with. In fact, please do.

Also, we now feature assignments.


Businesses I would start if I came into a huge extra lot of money,

And how profitable/successful I think they would be:

1. A vegetarian fast food restaurant that will focus on the sloppy vibe of fast food rather than being the most healthy. Also it will serve local sodas and use local ice cream in milkshakes. The menu will be limited, in the style of an In 'n Out or a Five Guys. I think it will be called "Monster Food Monster".
2. A soda company that will have flavors such as cucumber rose and sesame seed. Flavors from actual mashed-up plants. We will sweeten with stevia and xylitol exclusively.
3. An advertising agency named initially "'Mild' Wayne Toothfairy's Wild Maine Blueberries", which will soon thereafter be shortened to "Mild Wayne's". It should seem as much like a lounge-bar as an advertising agency can. It will mostly be focused around television commercials, but will be all up into total rebranding if the opportunity arises.
4. A production company, which ought to make features, but will also ideally involve a compound somewhere that will focus on the revitalization of television serials and to that end will have a team of house actors and pump out one eight or ten episode piece every year. Also I am still interested in running weekly soap operas in movie theaters.
5. A museum which has science and art and confusion all mashed up against one another. It should also feature an attached movie theater that is running something all the time (but certainly not first run anything) that you can pay five dollars to get into and stay as long as you please.
6. A gymnasium called "Brollic" that will focus on marital arts and running with weights and doing yoga with weighted straps while listening to metal songs slowed way down. Also classes in doing pull-ups.

1. Moderate in most places, but slammin' in places like Portland and San Francisco.
2. Probably not that well at all.
3. Slow start, but a big bang.
4. We would burn the charts.
5. Very few people would even notice, but the ones who did would be happy.
6. So awesome.

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You, also, can write words on the internet.

Other things I have also typed.

"I lost the passion for the blog. I am not built for blogging. I am built for intermittent, longer pieces, and successful blogging requires frequent, shorter pieces. YOU should have a blog. Mindburst Hickocks, that's the name of it. GO."
-Jason Michelitch
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