Mindburst Hickocks is, minus the occasional deviation from form, a repository of ideas I have had but could not find a use for. They are free for you to take and run with. In fact, please do.

Also, we now feature assignments.


Shirts say Stantz.

I was just walking around Target hoping they'd have Halloween shirts (which I did not find). They always have a rack of shirts with things they think I ought to be nostalgic for printed on them, and one of the options I saw today was Ghostbusters uniforms on a shirt, but there is only one design, and it says "Stantz" on the name tag. It seems weird that they'd decide which Ghostbuster you can be.

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"I lost the passion for the blog. I am not built for blogging. I am built for intermittent, longer pieces, and successful blogging requires frequent, shorter pieces. YOU should have a blog. Mindburst Hickocks, that's the name of it. GO."
-Jason Michelitch
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