Mindburst Hickocks is, minus the occasional deviation from form, a repository of ideas I have had but could not find a use for. They are free for you to take and run with. In fact, please do.

Also, we now feature assignments.


Let's start a lifecasting cafe.

Yes, of course there will be webcams around, but it will be more. People will order their drinks from their seats via twitter or facebook, and our baristas will respond in kind when they are prepared. Our coffee machines will tweet, as well. We will have a machine through which we feed all the tender we receive, and it will automatically scan the bills for serial numbers and upload them to where's george. Our background music will be based on the last.fm profiles of the people present at the time, and the art on the walls will be displayed on screens and influenced by their tumblrs and flickrs. There will be one screen up front where a computer will search for and display every mention of our cafe that occurs on the internet in real time.

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You, also, can write words on the internet.

"I lost the passion for the blog. I am not built for blogging. I am built for intermittent, longer pieces, and successful blogging requires frequent, shorter pieces. YOU should have a blog. Mindburst Hickocks, that's the name of it. GO."
-Jason Michelitch
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