Mindburst Hickocks is, minus the occasional deviation from form, a repository of ideas I have had but could not find a use for. They are free for you to take and run with. In fact, please do.

Also, we now feature assignments.


True story.

I drove past a playground today and a bunch of little girls were waving at all the cars, so I honked and waved and they were totally pumped. Yesterday I was messing around on youtube, as one sometimes does, and I discovered the appallingly boring world of tween girls making "the and show". There are a TON of them, and not one of them knows what they're doing. One of the videos I watched a bit of (I could not make it all the way through any of them) featured two girls on a front lawn, presumably to do a half-thought out bit when they are distracted by tenuous and fleeting interlocution with a passing clutch of golf players.

It is stunning how much merely making contact with other people is exciting for young people. Where does that go? How can we harness that? There's so much art to be had in working with strangers.

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You, also, can write words on the internet.

"I lost the passion for the blog. I am not built for blogging. I am built for intermittent, longer pieces, and successful blogging requires frequent, shorter pieces. YOU should have a blog. Mindburst Hickocks, that's the name of it. GO."
-Jason Michelitch
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