Mindburst Hickocks is, minus the occasional deviation from form, a repository of ideas I have had but could not find a use for. They are free for you to take and run with. In fact, please do.
Also, we now feature assignments.
Also, we now feature assignments.
Other things I have also typed.
- A line of dialogue for you to use.
- It has taken me a long time to get here.
- Sadly, it is impossible.
- I wish I had the attention span and literary chops...
- True story.
- A bit of dialogue for you to (fix up and) put in s...
- A play with elderly puppets:
- I said this one time and I stand behind it.
- I have always thought I was prepared.
- Mondays and Thursdays are a dollar a string.
- Things I learned in college:
- Voicemail I left for myself on a fifteen mile walk...
- Voicemail I left for myself on a fifteen mile walk...
- I would like to apologize.
- In which I am a dick about people spelling things ...
- Tower of Gower
- I can not sleep at all tonight.
- Merely an observation.
- Men who have written one song I enjoy and have a v...
- Terrifying speculative statistics.
- I have discussed this with a few people before, I ...
- The cereal is pretty good, though.
- Tower of Gower
"I lost the passion for the blog. I am not built for blogging. I am built for intermittent, longer pieces, and successful blogging requires frequent, shorter pieces. YOU should have a blog. Mindburst Hickocks, that's the name of it. GO."
-Jason Michelitch
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